“IT’S GOOD TO BE HERE” Shortfilm

A film celebrating why it’s good to be here. Highlighting the moments that make us feel most alive and present with ourselves and our surroundings.

Length: 5:09 Date: 2018 media: video

A series of my fashion and street photography. Title “No Bad Days” I look to capture movement and authentic expressions. Date: 2016-2020 Media: digital photo

I have independently produced videos, short films, and photography for over a decade. I’ve worked with educational documentaries, music videos, drone/real estate, virtual reality, and short films. Over the past few years I’ve also built a small street wear company called Stairway Shells. Curiosity, discovery, and storytelling are deep within my nature. I love experiencing new people, challenges, and puzzling obstacles. I value learning, listening, and good questions.  

Jared Fisher (He, Him, His) | @jaredofbenicia | https://jaredfishervideo.myportfolio.com


Alaina Dannecker


Emma Greenberg